Senior Geotechnical design engineer from Chilean Foundation contractor Lancuyen, Mr Rafael Martinez, attended a specially organised two day ‘one-on-one’ seminar…
Following the award of the contract to provide consultancy services and removable anchor technology on the Corniche Tower project in…
Outstanding engineering consultant Ingerop South Africa (ISA) has purchased a licence to use the innovative software package AnchorTestTM ( ISA…
Dr Devon Mothersille attended technical meetings and visited SBMA’s certified anchor tendon manufacturer DECA s.r.l. in Geneo, Italy. Over the…
Geoserve Global Ltd in collaboration with SBMA Ltd has successfully secured the contract to provide the technology and consultancy support…
As Chairman of Working Group 3 (part of the Technical Committee 182), Dr Devon Mothersille convened a meeting of pan…
Synergy, collaboration, teamwork and cooperation were just some of the words used during discussions between Dr Mothersille and Ingerop’s CEO…
At the spillway location at Hazelmere dam ultra-high capacity anchors (80 strands and up to 90m long) provide overall stability…
Dr Devon Mothersille attends a meeting with Dr Rasin Duzceer (Vice Manager, Kasktaş AS) and Mr Alp Gokalp (Technical Manager,…
Kasktaş AS continue their outstanding work by successfully executing the first phase of SBMA installations as part of the foundation…